Financial wellbeing support as unique as your people.

Financial guidance and advice through personalised online journeys that help every employee build a healthier relationship with money.

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Trusted by companies including
Improve wellbeing

Financial support for your people, whatever their life stage or situation.

Digital guidance that gives every team member personalised support to help them understand their financial behaviours, take steps to improve their financial health and confidence.
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Online articles and video guidance,
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Calculator, and ‘gaming’ tools to help people explore,
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A financial health check helping them gauge their situation and attitudes to their finances.
From debt or government benefits, to buying a home or starting a family, your people get guidance and advice at all levels of financial need, interest, age, or salary.

They’re also supported by a team of financial experts who deliver educational webinars, 121 employee consultations, and personalised financial advice.
Find out how
Gain insight

Insights to improve your wellbeing offer and workforce planning.

Gain regular insight on the financial wellness of your people, with securely shared and anonymised Management Information (MI).

Better meet the unique needs of your people, without having to be a mind reader, with aggregated stats on the makeup of your workforce, alongside insight into their views and behaviours.
of businesses say they don’t have the data to understand their teams’ financial challenges1
of employees do not feel okay about their finances2
Measure impact

Increase engagement and the impact on employee wellbeing.

Anonymised action tracking allows you to understand employee engagement and the actions they’re taking.
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Measure how your people’s needs are evolving,
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Tailor support to better help your team deal with their finances,
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Gain a clear view on business ROI, and impact on workplace benefits like your pension scheme.
Still got questions?
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What our clients say
“We wanted to understand our employees needs and offer financial support to them. We were introduced to MyEva in 2019 as the technology that could help us with that.”
Toni Smith
Reward and Insights Manager at Ricoh UK
“We’ve launched MyEva for our UK based employees enabling them to feel confident and in control of their finances.”

Ben Hawley
IHG Hotels & Resorts
"The anonymised data from everyone’s MyEva ‘financial health checks’ tell us what worries are of most concern to our employees... We can then tailor support to meet a real and relevant need."
Asad Ali
Managing Director, Ipsen

Boost the financial health of all your people.
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